Bio & CV
Sitio web del Artista Visual Juan Pablo Ferlat, que muestra su obra y procesos, además de sus exposiciones, currículum y contacto.
Juan Pablo Ferlat, Artes Visuales, Crudo, Heridas, Impermanencias, Perpetuum Golem, Máquina Fausto, Cera, Abejas, Petróleo, Fresado tridimensional, Fotografía, Escultura, Grabado sobre papel
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Juan Pablo Ferlat (1979) is a transmedia-interdisciplinary Argentinean artist and researcher who explores the intersection of arts, sciences and mysticism. Mestizing digital media, living systems and ancestral materials. His work aims to reconfigure the relationships between human beings and the phenomenon that we call “Nature”.

He holds a degree in Image and Sound Design (Buenos Aires University), and a postgraduate course in Programming for Interactive Art (National University of Arts). He is professor in the Master of Interactive Design (UBA). Since 2014 he has been a researcher of the FADU/UBA in a project created by Carlos Trilnick. Currently he works on fungi Bioremediation research together with scientists from the Department of Biodiversity and Experimental Biology, at the Institute of Mycology and Botany (UBA).

His works have been exhibited in Argentina in the Museum of Modern, Kirchner Cultural Center, Jewish Museum, Castagnino Museum, Dionisi Palace, Museum of Contemporary Art of La Boca; and abroad at the Fotofest Biennial (USA), International Image Festival (Colombia), Villa Elisabeth (Germany), Columbia College (USA). He also works in collaboration with renowned Argentine artists such as Charly Nijensohn and Silvia Rivas with projects exhibited at Singapore Biennial, Whitechapel Gallery (UK) and Louvre Auditorium (France), among others.

He lives and work in Buenos Aires.